Storytelling Performances
Three Person Trunk Shows
45 to 60 minutes
(can be lengthened or shortened)
These are listed in the order in which we
created them
Proud to be Me
Self-esteem, self-acceptance, and respect for each other are the themes about which these stories from several different cultures revolve.
Kindergarten thru 6th

Let Them Eat Books
Reading becomes an active rather than a passive endeavor as the works of Sandburg, Carroll, Thurber, Twain and others come to life on stage, paying close attention to the elements of poetry and prose and how words affect the imagination.
This show can be catered to any age audience.
A Feast from the East
What better way to understand what is shared and what distinguishes the myriad of Eastern, Mid-Eastern, and Pacific rim cultures than through their stories.
Kindergarten thru 6th

The Spirit of Black Folklore
Depth of spirit, pride, and a willingness to laugh in the face of it all are the central themes in this program of folktales and literature from African and African American cultures.
Kindergarten thru 9th
Cuentos de la Familia (Stories of the Family)
Performed bi-lingually, a richness of heritage, a love of the language and the essence of family values ring through these stories indigenous to Latino culture.
Kindergarten thru 9th

Choosing My Way
Finding who you truly are and staying true to your own personal path is the theme of these folktales from different cultures.
Kindergarten thru 12th
Earth Tales
Life and death, the earth and its inhabitants, ecology and the environment are intertwined in these stories from ancient cultures who lived in harmony with the earth.
Kindergarten thru 9th

Aesop’s Fabulous Fables
After each story, we let the children come up with their own morals before we tell them what Aesop said. Oh, the answers we get.
This one works for all audiences and is our best show for very young audiences.
The Season of Giving
From the mythological darkness of winter to Christmas and Channukah—the festivals of light—come these frolicking stories to carry the holiday spirit into the upcoming year.
For all audiences

Larger Trunk Shows
45 to 60 minutes
More Trunks, More Actors
The Truth About Medusa
Three Acts of Chivalry
An Arthurian Tale, a Samurai tale, and a Russian folktale, illuminate the different aspects of Chivalry
The Emperor’s Clothes
Using the well-known folk tale of the emperor who wore invisible clothes, this is actually the story of the rise and fall of Louis XIV.
The Birth, Death, and All Twelve Labors of Hurcules
Just what it says it is.
And One Big Full Fledged Musical!
With a big set and “lavish” costumes
70 minutes,
and can be done with an intermission
In The Village of Liver and Onions
Adapted from Carl Sandburg’s Rutabaga Stories, this play was created with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. There’s still a trunk on stage, but lots of other things as well. Five actors and plenty of roles for kids from the audience.