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5740 York Blvd Los Angeles,

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Story Number Seven

Earth Tales

We perform three stories from the following:

“COYOTE” done in the style of the old Looney Tunes cartoons,” is a combination of several Coyote stories from across Native America, that we’ve adapted to stress the necessity of the 3 Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse.

“RAINBOW BRIDGE” is a Chumash Native American origin tale that stresses living in harmony with the land and sea. Kids play a Magic Plant that turns into Human Beings

“THE INVISIBLE HUNTERS” is a Miskito Indian tale from Nicaragua about staying true to the tenets of the tribe. Kids play a Wari Pig, a Miskito Hunter, and a Rich Foreign Merchant.

“WHO OWNS THE LAND” is a Nordic tale about who should rightfully own the land. The audience becomes the Townsfolk and Seven Previous Owners of the Land.